ocr: / February 1992 issue Five -5 - b - - PCFORMAT2 THIS issur - - - - More than 700k of program-packed disks - turn straight to page9 DEATHBRINGER DISKTREE Explore the fantasy world of and Dri ive Make DOS a doddle with excellent this Lazonica and rid it of elves, giants over-sized chickens in DU n UE4 user-friendly menu-driven this fun playable from à DISXTREE d file interface preview ISUIEA DEX h Empire KED MOUSE1 files File PUBDON Din CGA, EGA, VGA HOCI Hercules, CGA, display Tag Untag taGnisk Tind Belete Cop Hove Hosdir Otios EGA,VGA display 640k memory Stat teydre Loyopt Zip RETURN to select ...